Thursday, December 31, 2009


•Health will be alright, but do not push your self this time too hard for anything
•Your approach will be quiet practical, take care while getting into any long time commitment
•Control your extravagant tendencies and unnecessary expense; be very careful while making any investments
•This year is bringing major change for Arians. Expansion in work & social circle is on the cards. First half’s work will reap results in the second half, so keep yourself vigilant to grab any opportunity
•Abroad related affairs will really prove beneficial, people who are planning to settle abroad will able to materialize their plans

•This year will keep you very busy, many new projects $ ideas would crop up. Those who are at job will definitely get increment.
•This year will provide opportunity $ platform to prove yourself, this year could be proven as “ Golden Year” provided, Taurians leave their lethargic attitude and just work in time
•Those who are in search of their mates can find one in the second half of 2010
•Long term investments will get good benefit, don’t make any hasty decision in stocks, avoid being overconfident while lending your money to anyone in blind faith

•Geminis can expect the major change this year, ketu transit in their sign can bring difference.
•As far as finances are concerned, there will be growth & clarity on career aspects which was lacking in 2009. you’ll able to get back the investments which were stuck
•Second half will be busy, giving you many trips, there will be fruitful travelling
•Take resolution of accomplishing tasks which you take up without distracting your energies, your success rate will be decided upon your integrity & dedication.

•Financial aspect will be beyond imagination, this year will reap you results more then expectations so cheers
•Take care of health between April to June, don’t neglect your health in work load, justify your priorities
•Business investments will be beneficial, but take care about stock investments
•Your loved ones will be demanding, gift them blissful moments with you being righteous, your gesture will touch their hearts
•Big gain from far place is on the cards, don’t miss it

•Leos can expect good position at career front & leap in finances, speedy progress is your way
•Don’t be too sentimental, which is anyways not much in your nature, your practical approach will get you great success.
•New ventures will get fascinating results, apply your finest brains.. with patience
•2010 is getting you many opportunities & expansion in almost major arenas
•Long term commitments should be given heedful thought

•This is the time where planning will take shape & you’ll be blessed with clarity of your next step
•This year may show you unrealistic dreams, be positive but practical, focusing on potentials & self analysis will help.
•Your finances need to be handled with absolute vigilance & care, don’t let your mind get influenced by any kind of temptation
•Don’t indulge yourself till that extend that your health get ignored.
•Benefit from lady luck is on the cards.

•Year 2010 will swipe away your tensions & worries you will be showered with peace
•Definition of “dream come true” will be realized in this time, very good to begin with your ideas
•So many ideas &opportunities can distract you, but working upon your planned strategies for any kind of business expansion will click. Concentrate on quick implementation as time is at your side.
•Those who are in search of their mates will find one in second half

•Cross your fingers as you shall come across an unexpected positive change on career fronts
•Investment in any kind of property will bear good profits in coming time
•Initial time may seem little unstable but nothing to worry as time will turn in your favor eventually
•Blissful time with beloved is assured, but don’t let other priorities suffer
• your patience will witness stability & success in second half of this year

•In this time you’ll adopt a serious approach at your career fronts, which will definitely start compensating your past waste. This is the time to get back to routine and move with the highest speed.
•Major decisions of life could be taken which were awaited since long
•Don’t be heedless or hasty while making major investments
•Assured growth in your name & respect on society, new faces will come in touch to form a long lasting relations
•Those who are stuck in any kind of court cases, will be relieved this year

•You practical approach will amaze your closed ones, you’ll able to focus on your target and achieve the same
•This is the time to plan your financial arena. Your mind will get occupied in identifying the new sources of revenue, share your ideas with experienced people to get clarity & confidence
•Love relations might face minor misunderstandings; try to avoid miscommunication with the closed ones. Let going & transparency will solve almost all the problems.
•Traveling for business could be possible this year

•This year will prove beyond imagination, you shall adopt yourself in handling many works at a time. You can look forward to new venture or an opportunity which can create difference at your career fronts
•Property investment & long term stock investments will get great returns
•Busy schedule will create hindrance in blissful time; make your closed ones understand your situation with your clear expression.
•Any adventurous act will prove like a lottery

•This year will get many excitements, mixed results & new visions
•In this time you will able to clear the past waste & begin with fresh & practical start, provided you control being sentimental
•Define your priorities & concentrate on your goal, you will get desired result in expected time, this is the time to show your integrity & passion
•Those who are associated with any kind of abroad affairs will able to get incredible gains, also new expansion can prove helpful

•CELL: 98196 53700

Astrologer TINA BAAROT’s profile

Tina Baarot, a young (aged 23) Professional Astrologer, learnt Astrology from Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan, Mumbai.
She’s a practicing astrologer in Mumbai, several places in India and abroad & founder proprietor of “Cosmic Research Academy”, an institute where consultation and training are being conducted in various disciplines.

She writes for several newspapers on Monthly forecasts, Weekly forecasts and various articles on astrology related subjects.

Her specialized disciplines are as follows:-
 Horoscope
 Tarot card reading
 Face reading
 Aura reading
 Palmistry
 Gemology
 Teletherapy
 Numerology
 Graphology
 Crystal therapy
 Crystal ball gazing
 Color therapy
 Mudra & mantra therapy
 Vastu with interior designing
 Muhurt consultancy
 Remedial meditation

Her clientele are from all different walks of life such as top corporates, politicians, cricketers, fashion designers, models, actors, artists, lawyers, doctors, share brokers, students and so on…!
She applies scientific methods in astrology which is proved to be very accurate. Her predictions are based on K.P. which can give minutest prediction, and also combination of various disciplines which confirm the accuracy of predictions.

She is an experienced trainer since four years:
 Presently she is trainer in Indo-American Society for Tarot card reading which is based on her own research by combining various other principles of occult science, getting incredible results in her Advanced Tarot Reading sessions.
 She gave regular sessions for Face & Aura reading in Prempuri Ashram.
 Her regular sessions are on for all the mentioned disciplines in her Cosmic Research Academy.
She is imparting her knowledge at various leading clubs, seminars & NGOs like
 Lions Club International
 M.L.J.C
 Rotary Club
 Giants Club
 Shree Punit Krishna Satsang Mandal
 Archana Trust and so on..!

She is felicitated and awarded by many recognized clubs & NGOs like
 “The Complete Astrologer” title from Lions Club International in May 2006
 “Star Jyotish Ratna” from Star Report in April 2007
 “Jivan Gaurav Award” from Maharashtra Mukt Patrakar Sangh in April 2008
 “ACE Astrologer” title from SVB’s Oxford high school in January 2009

Her other remarkable experiences are
 She was the first Astrologer to be on air on 92.7 BIG FM when launched.
 She had given accurate predictions on stock markets on E TV, before stock market collapsed in Jan’08.
 She was columnist in more then 3 Gujarati newspapers. At present, she is writing in English fortnightly “City Reporter”.
 She has traveled in many places in India for Vastu & Astro-consultation & also abroad for the same.
 She predicted Mr. OBAMA’S President Ship one month before he got elected.

She strongly believes that
“Life can change anytime…
One should give a chance to it with positive attitude”
Her objective is
“Reach out to maximum people to create a ‘difference’ in their lives by sharing knowledge for their benefit”

Her office address & contact details are:
Cosmic Research Academy
222, Ashoka Shopping Centre,
2nd floor, L.T. Road, near G.T. Hospital,
Mumbai 400001.

Cell: 98196 53700
E Mail: